Renting a small house near Caribe Point for the month of Jan.
Would like to rent a small motor boat for a month to get around …wondered if anyone might have something to rent. I have a Canadian boating license and own a small boat in Canada
This is a tough one…I will ask around to see if there are any takers.
The challenge here is insurance and local knowledge of the reef system.
Many experienced boaters (visiting sailers in particular) get in trouble on the reef and it almost always has to do with the lack of familiarity of the depth and formation of the reef below.
And if there is an issue…would either party Have access to insurance?..
Consider doing this once you arrive…network on the Water Taxi peers (in Oakridge & West End) and let us know if you have any success.
There is no shortage of boats on Roatan, but you may need to settle for a panga…this will help you address the above mentioned hurdles.
Thanks guys…yes a panga is all I am looking for…I agree the reef knowledge is key so a panga should keep me out of trouble lol…I hope 
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Did anyone ever find out about private boat rentals? I’m a long time boat owner with extensive offshore experience as well as navigating shallow water, reefs, coral heads, big tides, etc. Would love to rent someones boat for a couple of days in April.
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