This is a tour of our property its has come a long way since we first purchased but its so very possible for anyone to undertake
@RoatanOnline I think you have enough images here to warrant a progress report via the community blog.
@roatanreggie The view the view the view is excellent. A few thoughts come to mind:
- Pay attention to the solar patterns and build your home with the right orientation.
- Nicely done on the ground work…I like the various elevations within the lot parameters
- Your land preparation guys spared a birds of paradise plant, that’s a good sign.
- The “indio desnudo” trees are worth their money in gold. Beautiful trees. Preserve them.
oh the dream of having a place in Roatan…
Remember to build on a solid foundation…! keep up posted.
i m working on some videos of the property but I m not a very good producer
The video went a long way in helping get a better understanding of the layout of the lot. Its very nice. It sounds like you will have time to keep an eye on that creek/drain to ensure it doesn’t erode your property.
@roatanreggie What is the situation on water? Is there an aquifer whereby a well can draw from or is there a water table nearby?
If there is a well, how many people draw from it?
All good questions to ponder on as you look to the future.
PS - I don’t think a nice wooden deck should wait 10 years. Make that happen asap, it will keep you alive.
I agree with ole Deep Thinker. Count me in as free labor. I like to work with my hands and build. Whenever you are ready to start building that deck, let me know, I’ll be there.
There is a drilled well on property at the time no one uses it but tests have been done to check it to see how it replenishes it self and its great I hope to draw from it to raised cistern for washing purposes and bottled to drink