Business For Sale Starting at 125,000.00


May I ask where this property is located?
How long has the land and business been under your ownership?
How long has the business been operational?

Define “tax free”

Thank you very much.

Bulk Gourmet at Brick Bay. We have been in business since 2002 with well established local clientele, we are retail store and wholesale to restaurants and bars.
Zolitur commissioned business, No income tax and no duty on imports filed with Zolitur.
Huge tax savings and other benefits.
Currently almost impossible to get this license.


This Business is now listed on the website of Roatan Life. This is The Bulk Gourmet. Priced to sell rapidly. Please contact Steve Hass for more information at Roatan Life


Do you have link to the specific listing? That may get you more exposure if you shared it here. This is the current link

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Thank you for taking a moment to share this link here. A few observations AND a proposed solution for you:

  1. The images are too small to enjoy on the current website.
  2. The functional portion of the website is too narrow…and it has a “side-bar” for adverts which further reduces your exposure
  3. The description is too short (97 words)…should be at least 300.

We are willing to build you a landing page on our website free of charge to add exposure to your efforts. If that interest you, please send the following:

  • Send us your images (10 minimum)
  • Send me a write up which is at least 300 words.

We will, in turn, provide you with:

  • A full-page landing page
  • A forum pointing to the email of your choice
  • and we’ll blast the link out over our social media platforms ever so often.

Thank you for being part of our online community.