Addressing FedEx package

How do I address a package to someone on Roatan?

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Yes, I know the companies to use to mail a package; however, I want to know the “specific” address someone in the States would use to mail me a package here in Roatan. Since we don’t have street addresses, what location would I use. Would it be: my name, Pineapple Villas, French Harbour, Roatan, Honduras?


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Yes, number of apartment if it has

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There is no mail. Forget it. Relax and enjoy all that there is NOT!

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As i said, I “know” there is no mail, i have been here for 14 years. However, we can receive a FedEx package here. Perhaps you didn’t know that. I have since found out that Roatán’s post code is 34101. NOTE: this is not a zip code.