Finding a job in roatan

Hi guys i would like to move to Roatan in a few months and wondering what are the opportunities there, I do digital marketing and other computer work thank you :slight_smile:


Guillermo, welcome to our forum and thank you for participating.

As a touristic destination, Roatan is sure to always have some opportunity for digital marketers as yourself. Consider posting a bulleted list of your skill sets here so that future viewers can better understand what “other computer work” means. :wink:

PS - we’ve responded to your private message. Best of luck to you.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: SEO Work for Roatan Websites


You have a great set of skills for serving the Roatan community. You should have no issues connecting with local establishments and doing work for them. Keep doing what you are doing here…networking ahead of your arrival and you may be further along when you arrive on Roatan. There a few FB groups too which may benefit you.

Keep us posted.